Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Growing Girl

Well, here I am 35 weeks pregnant...and I have officially hit the point of yelling "TAKE THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!" I am just so uncomfortable. I don't have a very long mid section so Paisley is taking up every bit of the room I do have.

Here are some current stats on Paisley:

She weighs 6lbs 7oz. (Don't judge....big girls need love too!! haha)
Her heart rate was 144
She is strong and happy and healthy.
I am measuring 37 weeks.
I gained 4 more pounds. Totaling......a lot!!
I am still swollen but my blood pressure is good and there is no protein in my urine.
Dr. Duke says that I am now to the point if I go into labor she wouldn't stop it. YAY!!

I guess that's about it.

5 weeks left and very very ready to be done!!


Fearfully. Wonderfully. said...

I love Paisley!

Tara said...

Big girls do need love :) haha! I can't wait to see Paisley!!!