Because I made this my pregnancy blog 9 very very short months ago, and have now given birth to the most beautiful little girl in the world, this will be my last and final blog entry on this blog.
On October 10th, 2008, at exactly 1:30am Jesus blessed us with Paisley Jaymes Smith. It was after 25 and 1/2 hours of labor and a C-Section, that she made her debut but it was all completely worth it.
She weighed 7lbs. 14oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Derek and I could not be more proud of our little beanie girl.
So, with all that said, I will leave you with this...
Having a child and now truly understanding the love a parent has for their child it makes my heart swell at the thought of our Heavenly Father's love for us. The question that keeps passing through my mind is - 'If I love her this much how much more does Jesus love me?' It's humbling.
From now on I will be blogging on my old blog -
and on Paisley's new blog -
Thank you for all your prayers and love through this whole pregnancy. And please go to Paisley's blog and check in for pictures and updates on our sweet girl....because what do they say???...It takes a village...
Be blessed!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Last and Final Entry...
Posted by Veronica at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Can you say INDUCTION?!?!?!?
I'm being induced tonight!!! I will be holding my baby tomorrow!! YAY!! I'm about to burst!!! Pray for me and Paisley and Daddy too! And pray that the epidural WORKS!!! HEHE!!
Next time I see you all I will have Paisley Jaymes Smith in my arms!!!
Mommy loves you so much! I can't wait to see your beautiful face and kiss your sweet cheeks. It seems like I've been waiting forever for this moment and now it is here and I don't even know how to act. All I can say is that you are a very blessed little girl and truly at miracle for our Lord Jesus Christ! Forgive me for the mistakes I will make and love me even when I'm not so lovely. You're Daddy is driving back in from out of town today to make sure he is here when you arrive. He is so excited to meet you! He keeps referring to you and I as "His Girls" and I love that. You have our hearts already and we haven't even seen you. Please always remember that no matter how much Mommy and Daddy love you Jesus loved you first. And will always love you the most. He is your Heavenly Father - we just get to love you and take care of you for a little while. And we will try our very hardest to do the very best job of that possible.
Until we meet, My Love, know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.
Posted by Veronica at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Quick update
I had an appt on Tues. and I was dilated 1cm and still 50% effaced. A little progress I suppose. But we did get some GREAT news!! The pressure in Paiz's cord in down and everything looks good. But she still wants me on bed rest. AND..........Drum roll please.....
I am scheduled to be induced October 14th!!!...(if Paisley doesn't come before than!!) YAY!!!
That's about it. My next and HOPEFULLY last appointment is this Monday at 11:00. YAY!!!
Posted by Veronica at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Still here....still preggo.
Sorry for not posting in a while. I'm big. I'm tired. And frankly, blogging takes way too much energy.
So, I'm going to keep it brief.
I went in for my 36 week appointment and Dr. Duke saw some pressure in Paisley's cord with elevated fluid levels. So I got put on a monitor for an hour. After 20 minutes she came in and said that she wasn't seeing what she was looking for and she would come back and check in a bit and if nothing had changed she would send me to labor and delivery. She came back and said she did see what she wanted to see but wants me to be on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.
I only gained a pound. My blood pressure is good. I'm VERY swollen - everywhere. I'm in pain. I'm whiney. I'm miserable. I want this baby out!!
Paisley weighs a little over 7 pounds. Little chunk. :) While I have been home on bed rest this week I have worked quite a bit on her nursery. And I must say it looks BEAUTIFUL!! It's coming together better than I could have imagined. I'll post some pictures soon.
So I guess that's all for now......oh I was a "finger tip" dilated and 50% effaced. Whatever that means!!! :)..........I'll tell you what it doesn't mean........................NO BABY YET!!!
My next appointment is Tuesday. Until blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our Growing Girl
Well, here I am 35 weeks pregnant...and I have officially hit the point of yelling "TAKE THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!" I am just so uncomfortable. I don't have a very long mid section so Paisley is taking up every bit of the room I do have.
Here are some current stats on Paisley:
She weighs 6lbs 7oz. (Don't judge....big girls need love too!! haha)
Her heart rate was 144
She is strong and happy and healthy.
I am measuring 37 weeks.
I gained 4 more pounds. Totaling......a lot!!
I am still swollen but my blood pressure is good and there is no protein in my urine.
Dr. Duke says that I am now to the point if I go into labor she wouldn't stop it. YAY!!
I guess that's about it.
5 weeks left and very very ready to be done!!
Posted by Veronica at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm alive...really I am!!
To my faithfull "pregnancy blog followers": I know it has been a long while since I have given an update. And for that I'm sorry. I guess I'm slackin'!!
At this point I am 33 weeks 3 days along.....HOLY SMOKES!!! Less than 7 weeks left! I am so excited I could just bust!! Just really quick I'm going to make a list of all the things I'm super excited about:
My shower (not in a selfish way but just being able to celebrate Paisley!!)
The hospital stay (and all my family and friends coming to see us and my new sweetness)
Seeing my little munchkin's sweet face, and toes, and fingers, and nose, and bootie.
Finding out how much hair everyone is saying Paiz actually has!! I am now hoping for enough to put a clip in!!
Getting her nursery completely put together and finished.
Taking all the tags off all of the beautiful clothes I have already bought for Paiz.
Putting all of her clothes in her drawers.
Getting into my old jeans!!!!
Nursing my sweet beany girl.
Seeing how much weight I actually lose after I have her.
Being able to stay home and not have to go to a job everyday. (I know mothering is a job...)
Hearing her gurgles and burps and coos.
Walking with my mommy friends at the PJC track pushing our strollers!!! haha :)
There are soooooo many more but it would take me all day!
Here is another silly list. This list is things that I will barely admit to and sound soooooo silly:
Pushing Paisley's stroller around the house just for fun.
Daily going and looking in Paisley's closet at all her cute little clothes.
Sitting on the floor in her room just sitting there looking at the paint on the walls, the bedding on the floor, and the hamper in it's place, imagining what motherhood will be like.
Taking my favorite pair of Paisley's jammies and laying them in my arms pretending like I was holding my baby. (don't cry it's not as sad as it sounds!! haha)
Putting her car seat in the car to see how it fits.
Singing "You are my Sunshine" to her HOURLY!
Playing our "Push and Kick" game with her in my belly.
I'm a fruit cake....I know. So off of lists and on to some updates.
First of all I went to Dr. Duke's office on Tuesday and everything went well. I only gained 2 pounds. Blood pressure was good. I am still measuring 2 cm (weeks) bigger than I actually am. Paisley's heart rate was 132. And I "have" to get an ultrasound every week at each of my appointments now....bummer ;) haha And the ultrasound tech said she is approximately 5 1/2 pounds. And she has "some" hair. Whatever that means. =) Everything looked good on the ultrasound. I am having and have had for awhile heartburn and indigestion. My pelvic bones are shifting (according to Dr. Duke) and I found out the pain in my left hip and lower back is my siatic nerve acting up. I am still very swollen and retaining water. I'm having trouble rolling over in the bed at night. I know that sounds funny but it's so true. It is actually painful between Paisley getting so big and all my aches and pains.
I suppose that is all for now. Hope you enjoy. Be blessed.
Posted by Veronica at 7:16 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
JESUS for President '08
I'm going to be the first one to say....
"I don't know nothin' 'bout no politics." But this much I do know...
I hate all the presidential canadits. I think they are all liars. And I'm sick and tired off seeing a bunch of crap on TV about what they promise to do if/when they are elected when in reality they aren't held accountable to follow through with any of it! I vote with morals and values and I feel like not one of the canadits stand for anything I find morally upright.
So in saying that, I want to say...
I vote JESUS for President in 2008!!!
He is our provider. Our comforter. Our protector. He is on OUR side. He doesn't hold a title of democrat or republican because He finds labels foolish. He doesn't promise things just to get a vote. He doesn't put other canadits down just to lift Himself up. You'll never see Him in a commercial or in the papers because the cross on Calvary is advertisement enough. He stands for all that is moral and good. He has nothing to prove because He did it all by saving the world. He puts everyone to shame merly by being Himself -because He is GOD. He has written only one book. This one book has been made unable to be on the best seller's list because it sells such high quantities. This one book is freely provided at hotels, doctor's offices and hospitals. This one book provides all the knowledge anyone will need in their lives. This one book is a topic of controversy for some but the source of wholeness for so many. Jesus came to save us and to give us the gift of everlasting life. What has any of the presidential canadits ever done for us? He doesn't ask for money or financing all He asks is for our faithfulness in Him. And for all He does for us it's a small price to pay. He is the man for the job. So in 2008 let's start a revolution and choose OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
I know He can't actually be the President of the United States of America but you know what??? He can most definitely be the President of my life. And for all that He has done in my life I choose HIM!
(I know this has nothing to do with my pregnancy........I just felt compelled this morning!! :)
Posted by Veronica at 7:57 AM 33 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ultrasound update
Just a quick update...
1. Paisley weighs 4lbs 9oz.
2. Paisley's abdomen measures 33 weeks.
3. But her head measures 35 weeks!! (Let's keep in mind I'm 31 weeks along!!)
4. We watched her for a good while practicing to breathe. It was so sweet.
5. We saw her smiling and sucking her thumb.
6. And last but not least......they looked and she already has a little bit of hair. =) How cute is that?!!?
Be blessed.
Posted by Veronica at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
WOW!!...No wonder I feel this way!
31 weeks 2 days
I went in for my appointment with Dr. Duke yesterday and received some interesting...ok shocking news.
First of all, I have gain ANOTHER 7 pounds totaling 30 pounds gained! Whoa MAMA!! But with an explanation. Over the last month or so I have not been able to eat hardly anything. I try but I get so uncomfortable and end up not being able to breathe well. So it was very hard for me to believe that I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks. That is just crazy. I figure that I'm taking in between 1000 and 1200 calories a day...not that much for a pregnant girl. So she checked my legs and ankles and said "Veronica, you are very swollen! The weight you are gaining is not hips and thighs it's pure water weight. Are you drinking water like you should?" To which I had to reluctantly say "Nooooooo." And, of course, she told me that I need to be drinking a ton more water than I am. And cut down on my salt intake. (Yeah, like that is going to happen.) I'll try my best with the salt but I am for sure going to pump it up on the water drinking! And she also said I need to get my feet up as much as I can. Then she looked at my blood pressure and said that it was on the verge of being high but said there was no protein in my urine. Which means at the moment I am not preeclamtic. Praise Jesus. I guess water weight, high blood pressure and protein in your urine means you are preelamtic.
On to the next topic.
I told her that for the last few weeks I have been extremely uncomfortable. And that I know I don't look that big for the outside but I just feel "full" and huge from the inside. It is very hard to move, get off the couch, get out of bed and frankly, even get off the potty. I then asked her approximately how big Paisley was and she said the average baby at 31 weeks is about 4 pounds. But she pushed on my tummy and felt around at Paisley and said "Veronica, no wonder you are uncomfortable. Paisley is around 5 pounds. You have a big ol' baby inside of you!!" She also said to be prepared to deliver a large child!! haha GREAT!! I wanted a chunky monkey anyway!! Then she measured me and I am, of course, measuring 2 cm larger than my gestational age. She said she would not doubt that I will go early! WHAT?!?! EARLY.......I DON'T EVEN HAVE A CRIB OR PAISLEY'S ROOM PAINTED......SHOOT, I DON'T EVEN HAVE A PACK N PLAY SHE COULD SLEEP IN!!! Mama needs to get with it!!
I have an ultrasound tomorrow night so that will tell me what Paisley actually weighs. And then I have my specialist appointment Tuesday.
So my new goals are:
1. Watch my salt intake
2. Drink water until I float away.
3. Get my feet up as much as possible.
4. Start working on Paisley's room!!!
5. Ward off labor for a few more weeks!! haha
Posted by Veronica at 7:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm OFFICIALLY pregnant!
This morning I poured my Fruit Loops in the cereal bowl and then preceeded to pour Orange Juice all over the top of it!! I then quickly realized what I was doing...haha!! I have no excuse except....I have PREGGO BRAIN!!
Posted by Veronica at 6:45 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
The big THREE ZERO!!
30 weeks today!! Wow I can't believe I am this far along! Over the last 2-3 weeks Paisley has been a little wiggle worm. She moves so much. I love the way it feels when she flips and turns and kicks my belly. Daddy has been able to feel her so much more lately too. I was thinking this last weekend about how in the very beginning we were convinced we were having a boy. Then when we went in for our ultrasound to find out the gender of our little monkey and found out we were having a girl we were so excited. And now being so much farther along now, I can't imagine me being pregnant with a boy. Paisley is our life. Pink, dresses, flowers, the whole bit. I can't wait to see her beautiful little face...and her toes...and fingers. Will she have hair? Or be bald? My nose or daddy's? Tall or short? Chubby or thin? So many things to think about!! I can't wait to hold my sweet baby girl!
Posted by Veronica at 8:28 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I hate to say...
Much to my dismay, tons of prayers, and 6 tubs of tummy butter I have located the beginnings of stretch marks on my beast of a belly. I thought between staying tan and "oiled" and constantly lathering with tummy butter, I would beat the ugly things!! But I am sad to say they have poped up and are here to stay. With more to come I'm sure. I would love to have been one of those girls that could say "I didn't get a single stretch mark!" But sadly I cannot. The sadest part of the whole thing is that I'm only 29 weeks. 11 weeks still to stretch...eeekkk!
So to all my preggo friends out there who don't have them yet my prayers are with you. But please know I will continue to lather and slather and goop on the tummy butter religiously. Because you know what??? It makes me feel better!! =)
Posted by Veronica at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm back with some random thoughts...
This post will be very jumbled. I have so many thoughts that have pasted through my head recently.
1.) First off, Saturday I went and finished up both my registries, one at Target and one at Toys R Us/Babies R Us. I was so lucky to have help from Christy. Registering is WAY harder than it sounds. Just a few more adjustments online and all will be complete. What a relief to have that out of the way.
2.) We went to the pool on Sunday and got some much needed sun. It was such a blessed to relax for a bit.....but I noticed a tickle in my throat before we left. By 9:00pm I had a full blown sore throat and massive headache. (Not to mention some Braxton Hicks contractions.) Derek was up with me all night Sunday night and we were both exhausted Monday morning. He stayed home from work to take care of me. I tried to get in to my Dr. but they were totally booked and just called me in a Z-pak. I started taking that Monday and it has seemed to help a little. I went to my previously scheduled OB appointment yesterday and all was well there. Dr. Duke confirmed I have a sinus infection.
3.) While I was at Dr. Duke's office I am so proud to say........I weighed in and have LOST 1 POUND!! In the midst of my sickness that was a boost to my self-esteem. Everything else was really good too. Also, my glucose test came back and Dr. Duke said it looked wonderful. Paisley and I are wonderful.
4.) I have also been cleared to eat SHRIMP!!! YAY!!! So I called Red Lobster and, yes, they have endless shrimp coming in September!! I know I'm a freak but whatever. =)
5.) I have hit a new all time low with my insomnia. I've normally been getting between 2-4 hours of sleep a night. But lucky me, last night I didn't sleep one wink! I tried everything...the bed, the couch, the floor. I even took medicine and that just made me loopy. So at 3:30 I finally gave up trying to get sleep and got up and straightened my hair. I am now having trouble even keeping my eyes open. Pray for me.
6.) I am 29 weeks now. Which is so exciting. It's hard to think that my due date is only 11 weeks off. I'm so not prepared. haha There are so many things that I need to do.
7.) Next Wednesday night we have our Breast Feeding Class. I remember when I signed up for the class it seemed so far off. Now we are only one week away. It should be interesting being that we are attending with Christy and Amick. I know Derek and Amick will do or say something to embarrass Christy and I!! What an experience it shall be. =)
8.) I feel like I am having poor circulation issues. My hands, arms and feet fall asleep very easily. If you have an input or tips please help me.
I thinks that's all I have to say. Be blessed.
Posted by Veronica at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Have you ever heard such nonsense!?!?
Ok so I'm browsing through looking at baby moniters. And what do I see??? Nothing but a super duper high tech HIGH DEFINITION DIGITAL baby moniter. As of right now I am not a freaky obsessive person but I honestly think a regular everyday moniter would do the trick. I don't know about anyone else but I'm not sure at 2am I am going to want to hear my baby screaming in HIGH DEFINITION!! =)
Posted by Veronica at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I feel a bootie!!
For the last week or so when Paisley moves and kicks it no longer feels like little random movements. I can now feel feet under my ribs and a bootie pushing out one side of my tummy. I feel like I can tell what is moving and what she is pushing with. It's the sweetest sensation!! I just love my little Itty Bit!! I can't wait to kiss her little face!!
Posted by Veronica at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Entering the beginning of the end...
Yesterday I entered into my 27th week of being pregnant. Which means I am offically in my 3rd trimester! It's so exciting but very nerve racking to think how close it is to Paisley getting here. I am just so curious what she looks like and what her personality will be. Derek and I are both two of the most gorgeous, funny, talented, lovable, sweet, smart, exciting people you will ever meet. So Paisley is getting it from both sides!!! She can't help but be terrrific!! (Ok Derek and I are great but maybe not ALL those things I mentioned. But you have to admit my girl is going to be pretty awesome.) Paisley and I already have this game we play...I lay on my back on the bed and I'll watch my tummy. She'll kick and I'll laugh. Then I'll push her back and she'll kick again and I'll keep laughing!! She's a fiesty little one!! These days she doesn't stop's constant. But I must say, I haven't hit the point yet that EVERY previously pregnant woman has warned me about. They all say "Just'll hate it here pretty soon!! It gets pretty annoying!" Sorry ladies, haven't hit that point yet!! I love it when Paisley moves. And the stronger the kicks the better.
I went and saw Dr. Duke today. And guess what??!?!? I haven't gain anymore weight!!! YAY! And what's even better is she said "Veronica, you are on track PERFECTLY for your weeks and weight!" Did you hear that guys??? She said the word.... "PERFECTLY"!! That made me feel good.
Paisley is doing just dandy and so am I!! This pregnancy has been such a blessing. I love it! I want 100 more kids!! (I guess we will fully decide on the exact number after we get use to Paze) =)
I hope this post finds you all well. Thanks for the prayers!
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Paisley's bedding!

Posted by Veronica at 8:11 AM 2 comments
Paisley Updates
Heather - this one is just for you!! =) Thanks for being so faithful to check my blog!
So I went to my specialist on Tuesday and we got a little bit of a scare for a second. When I go to my appointments they do a very extensive ultrasound. So the ultrasound tech was doing the ultrasound and was scanning a ton of different things on Paisley but seemed to focus a lot on her cord and the cord insertion. Then she said that she was going to need to do a vaginal ultrasound. I got a little worried at this point because she was being very vague as to why she needed to do this. After both the ultrasounds were done my doctor came in and started to explain.
Apparently, Paisley's cord is attached to my uterus then goes into the placenta instead of going directly into the placenta. And the reason they did the vaginal ultrasound is make sure it wasn't attached down by my cervix. AND IT'S NOT! Praise Jesus! If it was attached down near my cervix the doctor said if I delivered her vaginally the cord would rip on her way out and I could bleed to death. WOW!! So you can see why we were a little scared.
The only thing the doctor said could be a factor now is that she might not grow as rapidly as she should by not getting the nutrients she needs through her cord. He said that she is growing wonderful as of now and she is in the 56% for weight and size. So that is great. I asked him worse case scenario, she doesn't grow like she is suppose to...what do we do then? And he said they would deliver her early. He wanted to see me in 6 weeks to check her again and make sure she is growing the way he wants.
So that's pretty much it. I'm fine - Paisley's fine!! Everything is GREAT! So no worries.
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
The countdown is on!!
So this morning I was browsing through some friends blogs and then went and checked out my own and noticed my pregnancy counter said....WHAT?? is that right??....98 days left!! I am down to double digits!! Holy smokes!
My little Paiz is reminding me daily how strong and big she is getting. I just can believe how wonderful this whole experience has been for me. I wrote a blog a long time ago when we were in the middle of trying to get pregnant but couldn't. Read and see how far I've come!!
Occasionally I think (ok who are we kidding? ----All the time I think) about being a mother and the joys and fears that accompany it. I get lost in thoughts about what brand of diapers I will use and whether sleeping on their back or tummy is better. I know this sounds silly but when I get really caught up in longing for a child and start to feel down I start to dig through all the loads of baby clothes I have already bought. And I look over each item like I've never seen it before, enjoying the moment as if it were the first. I know you may think that it would make me feel more down (and I use the word "down" and not "depressed" because I hate that word) to go through baby clothes that are for a baby I CAN'T even conceive!!! Frusterating as it is it somehow puts the excitement and joy back into trying. [Side Note: what is "trying" anyway? Is that just a fancy word for people to say instead of SEX??? YES WE HAVE SEX!! GET OVER IT!!!] Back to the subject:I have talked to a few people resently that when they ask me how long Derek and I have been trying to have a baby and I tell them 8 months, this is what they say....."Well, that's not bad at all. Just look at so and so, they tried for 4 years to have their baby."..............Well, whoopty doo!! I don't want to wait no 4 years before I get pregnant. I'm about ready to pull my hair out at how long it's ready been. I believe more for myself than that....does that even make any sense??So this is the verse that I stand on today:
"I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked." 1 Samuel 1:27
I believe for myself and my family that this too shall pass; this season of longing. When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? They seem like eternity now but will they forever? Probably not. So in that I believe and I stay strong.And there will still be the days that I will rifle through those baby clothes just because the want is so overwhelming. But "that too shall pass".
I love the statement I made "When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? "
And the answer is NO, Veronica you won't!! And I don't. It's a great story to tell - the struggles of how we FINALLY after 9 months got pregnant! And it's an AWESOME tribute to God's goodness and faithfulness. But do I still mourn??? Oh, honey NO!! I could not be happier and more fulfilled in my life at this moment. I know that's a big statement to make. But I truely feel that way.
98 days. It's so crazy to think that is all I have left. And the wonderful part is I feel GREAT! Sure I have the backache and stuff but over all I feel wonderful. I've been so stressed out about my weight gain up 'til now but I have decided to let it go. We aren't all going to be itty bitty. And I just need to except that. My and Paisley's health are not in jeopardy. And that is the most important part. I will work my hardest to get it all off after I have her. But I'm not going to ruin this wonderful time in my life over a few extra pounds.
So I will continue on this miraculous journey for the next 3 months and 8 days and continue to enjoy myself completely!
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Paisley Update
We saw Dr. Duke this morning. and everything went very well. And just as I suspected...I gained weight...a lot. Very dissappointing. I gained 7 pounds in the last 4 weeks. I am disgusted. But Dr. Duke said I'm doing just fine. She said she was not worried at all and not to give it another thought. So as long as she isn't concerned I'll try to let it go.
Paisley now weighs 1 pound 9 ounces! She is getting big. She is in the 71st percentile in weight. Dr. Duke said "She's no Sumo wrestler. She is just perfect."
And the mystery is solved from last appointment....Paisley is measuring 24 weeks and my belly is measuring 26 weeks. And Dr. Duke said this is fine. So I am not farther along than we thought.
So I guess that is it. Next appointment I will have my glucose test. So that should be
Posted by Veronica at 8:22 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ok I just looked back at my last belly picture (20 weeks)....I think I have grown a little what do you think??? haha What a difference three weeks will make!
Maybe that's why I feel huge!!....'cause I am!!! haha
Posted by Veronica at 2:20 PM 0 comments
17 weeks to go...
Posted by Veronica at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Disney World or Bust!!!
YAY!! YAY!! Tomorrow we leave for 8 fun filled days in Disney World!! Yes....I know what you're thinking....big ol' preggo me......waddling around Disney World....but I'm gonna do it!! I'll be exhausted and sore and dripping with sweat but it will be so much fun and so worth it!
Posted by Veronica at 1:46 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
20 weeks...aka...halfway?!?!?
WOW I can't believe I'm halfway to holding my sweet Paze!! And I'm pretty sure she is wanting some smooches from her mommy because she is moving on a very regular bases now. (Christy, "Charlie" will be kicking soon!! haha)
So I'm 20 weeks today and it makes me reflect on the past few months and the awesome gifts God has placed in my life and how it all came about. God is so good! He has such specific timing for everything and looking back it is incredible to think if I would have gotten pregnant the first time we "tried" I would have a 4 month old baby right now! Wow!
I am so blessed. And as a friend has said "The best is yet to come!" Isn't that the truth! I have an ultrasound tomorrow night so I will hopefully have some cutie pie pictures to share then. Until then be blessed and enjoy!
Posted by Veronica at 9:06 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Baby Update!
I went to see Dr. Duke on Tuesday and much to my surprise and amazement I weighed in at the same weight as last time!!! So I am 19 weeks 3 days and have only gained 10 pounds!!! Woo Hoo!!
So I was in the exam room and Dr. Duke comes in and said that everything looks great from Dr. Thorp's office (my specialist) which is awesome. She said my weight, and blood pressure looked great. And the baby sounds and feels wonderful. But when she measured my fundus she said "Well, you're measuring right on track...23 weeks." And I said "I'm 19 weeks not 23." And she looked in my chart and said "You're right!" She said at my next appointment we are going to have an ultrasound to see how big Paisley is and see if I am actually farther along than we think. So that is kind of a mystery I have to wait 4 weeks to solve. =)
Oh and also, Dr. Duke asked me if I was feeling her move yet and I said no. So she taught me how to push on my uterus to get her to move and guess what....I FELT HER!!! And so did Derek. He was so excited. So now that I know what to feel for I can feel her move all the time!! It's so sweet!
I will get some ultrasound pictures up soon and another belly picture. Enjoy.
Posted by Veronica at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
18 weeks 2 days
New belly picture! Chunky monkey...yet at my Drs. appointment the scale said I haven't gained any weight since April 25th!!! Woo Hoo!
Posted by Veronica at 7:37 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Update from the specialist
I'll be honest I was a little scared today walking into the specialist office. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it all went GREAT! The doctor was really nice and seemed to know his stuff. And it made me feel good when he said "Oh, your a patient of Dr. Duke's...well you have the best Dr. I know." Maybe he's programmed to say that...whatever but it made me feel good.
No problems with my baby! Praise Jesus! God is good! She is a she. =) She has 5 fingers on each hand!! The Dr. counted them for us. Her heart rate is 160 and she is officially 1/2 a pound!!! 8 whole ounces!! WOW what a little chunker!!
That's about all I learned today. He said even though nothing is wrong he wanted to see me back in 8 weeks to make sure all is well with our sweet girl.
Ohhhh, and he said and I quote "She is a beautiful baby girl!!" That'll make a momma feel good! =)
I'll add the ultrasound pictures in a few days. Enjoy.
Posted by Veronica at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
66oz of water drank today in record time!! Yay!!
Hope I can keep up on it!
Posted by Veronica at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Water in - Water out
I love water!
I love water!
I love water!
I love water!
Posted by Veronica at 8:57 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It's a GIRL!
...and her name is Paisley Jaymes Smith!
Photo #1 - Paisley's little girly parts.
Photo #2 - Paisley's pretty little profile...what a sweet little baby girl!
Photo #3 - Our pretty girl is looking at us! - a little scary but very cute.
What a blessing! I just love her so much already!
Posted by Veronica at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
16 Weeks!
Posted by Veronica at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fasinating Thoughts
Recently I been thinking about my life and my baby. It's obviously been something that stays fresh on my mind. I really can't express how excited I am to be pregnant but really even more than that, how excited I am to have, hold, and raise this baby. I feel an extreme responsibility to raise this child with morals and values and a love for God, family, others, and life. I feel like in this day and age parents do such a poor job in raising the "gifts" God gave them that it challenges me to excel. I want my children to know the value of life, the feeling of being loved, and the security in the refuge we call family and home.
I take pride in knowing that I will try my very hardest to be the best mom in the world. I want good kids. I want kids that have respect for others. I want kids that realize how blessed they are and don't take advantage of it. And if all this means I have to wear myself to the bones I will. I will walk through fire so that my kids will know Christ and have a personal relationship with him.
I picture my baby in my arms looking up at me. I see 10 fingers and 10 toes, a perfect nose, and the cutest ears you've ever seen. I lean down and kiss my baby's perfect little lips and then I see it...that sweet sweet smile. And then all of a sudden WHAAAAAAA WHAAAAAA!!! My baby starts to scream bloody murder. That's life. I can't wait. I know I say this now. But I can't wait for it all. The tears, the laughter, the kisses, the poop, the throw up, the breast feeding at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 - I can't wait to be a mom - the good and the bad.
And to me all this is such a fasinating thought!
Posted by Veronica at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
More belly...
So this is 15 weeks. And I have now felt the baby moving!! Sooooo exciting!! I wasn't sure that was it but it has now happened about 4 times and has confirmed the feeling. My little sweetie actually woke me up this morning just pokin' away. :) And for me it's totally not like flutters - it's more like popcorn popping. Very sweet. Enjoy.
Posted by Veronica at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
14 weeks 4 days
So I had a Drs. appointment this morning and it went great. Very short but everything was wonderful. Got baby's heart beat on the doppler thingy - good and strong. I have now gained a total of 10lbs. Mooooooo!! Dr. Duke's words were "Your blood pressure is great, your weight is great, the baby is doing wonderful!" So I can't be worried over anything which is a great feeling!!!
Things I'm feeling today:
Headaches - and have had them for about 1 week now - Dr. Duke said that's normal.
Pressure lower in my belly - also normal.
No kicking yet - I can not WAIT!!!
Extreme hunger - no wonder I have gain 10lbs I'm eating EVERYTHING!! :)
Boobs are getting bigger - If I thought they were huge before...oh no, watch out!...they're getting even bigger!
Itchy tummy and boobies - I guess they are stretching...keep lathering on the tummy butter. :)
Having trouble sleeping - up and down allllllll night.
Peeing has turned into a hobby....period.
I guess that's about it. I can't wait to go for my ultrasound in 2 weeks!!!
Posted by Veronica at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
2 Goals
I am finally, I think, coming out of the 1st trimester misery. Which is GREAT! No more nausea and I am now going to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 instead of 6:00. And all this is wonderful being that I'm entering my second week of my 2nd trimester. So with this boost I have two goals for this week and hopefully from here on out.
1. clean my house - with going to bed so early and feeling so exhausted my house has turned into a wreck. Derek is so good about helping out. But still, he works a lot. So this week I really am going to buckle down and get to cleaning. Laundry is piled up, luckily Derek has taken care of the dishes, it's just a mess.
2. cook instead of eating out - I am so tired of looking at our checking account and seeing how much we eat out. We waste money that way. And it's been even worse since I got pregnant because it's just easy to run and grab something. WELL NO MORE. Once or twice a week is cool but it is getting crazy. So I am going grocery shopping this afternoon and we are cooking!!
So it's monday - a fresh week and a fresh start.
Posted by Veronica at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
13 weeks
So I finally took a belly picture. =) This is Monday, April 14, 2008. Exactly 13 weeks along. The picture is so close because I took it myself. I'll get Derek to take a better one tonight!! Enjoy!
Posted by Veronica at 11:35 AM 1 comments
My next Drs. appointment is April 25th. I feel like it can't come soon enough!! I'm having one of those days that I just want to hear my babies heart beat or see an ultrasound - something - anything. I'm 13 weeks today and I'm having a rough time because those little nugget appointments are the only thing I have at this point that connects me and my baby. Of course, I talk to my baby but I feel like I'm talking to my fat gut instead. I just want a kick or something. And I know that won't be for still a few more weeks. VERONICA!! - HAVE PATIENCES!! I'm trying I really am and I really am enjoying this time. Only 11 more days I have to hold out.
Posted by Veronica at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
New Preggo Blog!
So after talking to a wonderful friend I decided to start a new blog soley dedicated to pregnancy updates. So here it is. I, of course, will still be blogging on my Blessed to Be blog. But this one in all about me, my preggo body and my rapidly growing boo boo!! So check back and I'll keep you all updated!!!
Posted by Veronica at 9:25 AM 0 comments