Monday, July 14, 2008

The countdown is on!!

So this morning I was browsing through some friends blogs and then went and checked out my own and noticed my pregnancy counter said....WHAT?? is that right??....98 days left!! I am down to double digits!! Holy smokes!

My little Paiz is reminding me daily how strong and big she is getting. I just can believe how wonderful this whole experience has been for me. I wrote a blog a long time ago when we were in the middle of trying to get pregnant but couldn't. Read and see how far I've come!!

Occasionally I think (ok who are we kidding? ----All the time I think) about being a mother and the joys and fears that accompany it. I get lost in thoughts about what brand of diapers I will use and whether sleeping on their back or tummy is better. I know this sounds silly but when I get really caught up in longing for a child and start to feel down I start to dig through all the loads of baby clothes I have already bought. And I look over each item like I've never seen it before, enjoying the moment as if it were the first. I know you may think that it would make me feel more down (and I use the word "down" and not "depressed" because I hate that word) to go through baby clothes that are for a baby I CAN'T even conceive!!! Frusterating as it is it somehow puts the excitement and joy back into trying. [Side Note: what is "trying" anyway? Is that just a fancy word for people to say instead of SEX??? YES WE HAVE SEX!! GET OVER IT!!!] Back to the subject:I have talked to a few people resently that when they ask me how long Derek and I have been trying to have a baby and I tell them 8 months, this is what they say....."Well, that's not bad at all. Just look at so and so, they tried for 4 years to have their baby."..............Well, whoopty doo!! I don't want to wait no 4 years before I get pregnant. I'm about ready to pull my hair out at how long it's ready been. I believe more for myself than that....does that even make any sense??So this is the verse that I stand on today:

"I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked." 1 Samuel 1:27

I believe for myself and my family that this too shall pass; this season of longing. When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? They seem like eternity now but will they forever? Probably not. So in that I believe and I stay strong.And there will still be the days that I will rifle through those baby clothes just because the want is so overwhelming. But "that too shall pass".

I love the statement I made "When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? "

And the answer is NO, Veronica you won't!! And I don't. It's a great story to tell - the struggles of how we FINALLY after 9 months got pregnant! And it's an AWESOME tribute to God's goodness and faithfulness. But do I still mourn??? Oh, honey NO!! I could not be happier and more fulfilled in my life at this moment. I know that's a big statement to make. But I truely feel that way.

98 days. It's so crazy to think that is all I have left. And the wonderful part is I feel GREAT! Sure I have the backache and stuff but over all I feel wonderful. I've been so stressed out about my weight gain up 'til now but I have decided to let it go. We aren't all going to be itty bitty. And I just need to except that. My and Paisley's health are not in jeopardy. And that is the most important part. I will work my hardest to get it all off after I have her. But I'm not going to ruin this wonderful time in my life over a few extra pounds.

So I will continue on this miraculous journey for the next 3 months and 8 days and continue to enjoy myself completely!

Be blessed!


Fearfully. Wonderfully. said...

Amen to that whole post!

Read this post of mine, I have the same feelings when i read it:

Also, I just looked at your 13 week pic! YAY, look how much PAISLEY has grown...=) she is going to be beautiful!