Friday, April 25, 2008

14 weeks 4 days

So I had a Drs. appointment this morning and it went great. Very short but everything was wonderful. Got baby's heart beat on the doppler thingy - good and strong. I have now gained a total of 10lbs. Mooooooo!! Dr. Duke's words were "Your blood pressure is great, your weight is great, the baby is doing wonderful!" So I can't be worried over anything which is a great feeling!!!

Things I'm feeling today:

- and have had them for about 1 week now - Dr. Duke said that's normal.
Pressure lower in my belly - also normal.
No kicking yet - I can not WAIT!!!
Extreme hunger - no wonder I have gain 10lbs I'm eating EVERYTHING!! :)
Boobs are getting bigger
- If I thought they were huge before...oh no, watch out!...they're getting even bigger!
Itchy tummy and boobies - I guess they are stretching...keep lathering on the tummy butter. :)
Having trouble sleeping - up and down allllllll night.
Peeing has turned into a hobby....period.

I guess that's about it. I can't wait to go for my ultrasound in 2 weeks!!!


Fearfully. Wonderfully. said...

You have to tell me the exact day that you feel that baby move!!!!

Tara said...

I'm praying for nooo stretch marks for you pregnant gals :) And I fully expect you to return the favor when it's my turn!!!