Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Entering the beginning of the end...

Yesterday I entered into my 27th week of being pregnant. Which means I am offically in my 3rd trimester! It's so exciting but very nerve racking to think how close it is to Paisley getting here. I am just so curious what she looks like and what her personality will be. Derek and I are both two of the most gorgeous, funny, talented, lovable, sweet, smart, exciting people you will ever meet. So Paisley is getting it from both sides!!! She can't help but be terrrific!! (Ok Derek and I are great but maybe not ALL those things I mentioned. But you have to admit my girl is going to be pretty awesome.) Paisley and I already have this game we play...I lay on my back on the bed and I'll watch my tummy. She'll kick and I'll laugh. Then I'll push her back and she'll kick again and I'll keep laughing!! She's a fiesty little one!! These days she doesn't stop kicking...it's constant. But I must say, I haven't hit the point yet that EVERY previously pregnant woman has warned me about. They all say "Just wait....you'll hate it here pretty soon!! It gets pretty annoying!" Sorry ladies, haven't hit that point yet!! I love it when Paisley moves. And the stronger the kicks the better.

I went and saw Dr. Duke today. And guess what??!?!? I haven't gain anymore weight!!! YAY! And what's even better is she said "Veronica, you are on track PERFECTLY for your weeks and weight!" Did you hear that guys??? She said the word.... "PERFECTLY"!! That made me feel good.

Paisley is doing just dandy and so am I!! This pregnancy has been such a blessing. I love it! I want 100 more kids!! (I guess we will fully decide on the exact number after we get use to Paze) =)

I hope this post finds you all well. Thanks for the prayers!

Be blessed!