For the last week or so when Paisley moves and kicks it no longer feels like little random movements. I can now feel feet under my ribs and a bootie pushing out one side of my tummy. I feel like I can tell what is moving and what she is pushing with. It's the sweetest sensation!! I just love my little Itty Bit!! I can't wait to kiss her little face!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Entering the beginning of the end...
Yesterday I entered into my 27th week of being pregnant. Which means I am offically in my 3rd trimester! It's so exciting but very nerve racking to think how close it is to Paisley getting here. I am just so curious what she looks like and what her personality will be. Derek and I are both two of the most gorgeous, funny, talented, lovable, sweet, smart, exciting people you will ever meet. So Paisley is getting it from both sides!!! She can't help but be terrrific!! (Ok Derek and I are great but maybe not ALL those things I mentioned. But you have to admit my girl is going to be pretty awesome.) Paisley and I already have this game we play...I lay on my back on the bed and I'll watch my tummy. She'll kick and I'll laugh. Then I'll push her back and she'll kick again and I'll keep laughing!! She's a fiesty little one!! These days she doesn't stop's constant. But I must say, I haven't hit the point yet that EVERY previously pregnant woman has warned me about. They all say "Just'll hate it here pretty soon!! It gets pretty annoying!" Sorry ladies, haven't hit that point yet!! I love it when Paisley moves. And the stronger the kicks the better.
I went and saw Dr. Duke today. And guess what??!?!? I haven't gain anymore weight!!! YAY! And what's even better is she said "Veronica, you are on track PERFECTLY for your weeks and weight!" Did you hear that guys??? She said the word.... "PERFECTLY"!! That made me feel good.
Paisley is doing just dandy and so am I!! This pregnancy has been such a blessing. I love it! I want 100 more kids!! (I guess we will fully decide on the exact number after we get use to Paze) =)
I hope this post finds you all well. Thanks for the prayers!
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Paisley's bedding!

Posted by Veronica at 8:11 AM 2 comments
Paisley Updates
Heather - this one is just for you!! =) Thanks for being so faithful to check my blog!
So I went to my specialist on Tuesday and we got a little bit of a scare for a second. When I go to my appointments they do a very extensive ultrasound. So the ultrasound tech was doing the ultrasound and was scanning a ton of different things on Paisley but seemed to focus a lot on her cord and the cord insertion. Then she said that she was going to need to do a vaginal ultrasound. I got a little worried at this point because she was being very vague as to why she needed to do this. After both the ultrasounds were done my doctor came in and started to explain.
Apparently, Paisley's cord is attached to my uterus then goes into the placenta instead of going directly into the placenta. And the reason they did the vaginal ultrasound is make sure it wasn't attached down by my cervix. AND IT'S NOT! Praise Jesus! If it was attached down near my cervix the doctor said if I delivered her vaginally the cord would rip on her way out and I could bleed to death. WOW!! So you can see why we were a little scared.
The only thing the doctor said could be a factor now is that she might not grow as rapidly as she should by not getting the nutrients she needs through her cord. He said that she is growing wonderful as of now and she is in the 56% for weight and size. So that is great. I asked him worse case scenario, she doesn't grow like she is suppose to...what do we do then? And he said they would deliver her early. He wanted to see me in 6 weeks to check her again and make sure she is growing the way he wants.
So that's pretty much it. I'm fine - Paisley's fine!! Everything is GREAT! So no worries.
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
The countdown is on!!
So this morning I was browsing through some friends blogs and then went and checked out my own and noticed my pregnancy counter said....WHAT?? is that right??....98 days left!! I am down to double digits!! Holy smokes!
My little Paiz is reminding me daily how strong and big she is getting. I just can believe how wonderful this whole experience has been for me. I wrote a blog a long time ago when we were in the middle of trying to get pregnant but couldn't. Read and see how far I've come!!
Occasionally I think (ok who are we kidding? ----All the time I think) about being a mother and the joys and fears that accompany it. I get lost in thoughts about what brand of diapers I will use and whether sleeping on their back or tummy is better. I know this sounds silly but when I get really caught up in longing for a child and start to feel down I start to dig through all the loads of baby clothes I have already bought. And I look over each item like I've never seen it before, enjoying the moment as if it were the first. I know you may think that it would make me feel more down (and I use the word "down" and not "depressed" because I hate that word) to go through baby clothes that are for a baby I CAN'T even conceive!!! Frusterating as it is it somehow puts the excitement and joy back into trying. [Side Note: what is "trying" anyway? Is that just a fancy word for people to say instead of SEX??? YES WE HAVE SEX!! GET OVER IT!!!] Back to the subject:I have talked to a few people resently that when they ask me how long Derek and I have been trying to have a baby and I tell them 8 months, this is what they say....."Well, that's not bad at all. Just look at so and so, they tried for 4 years to have their baby."..............Well, whoopty doo!! I don't want to wait no 4 years before I get pregnant. I'm about ready to pull my hair out at how long it's ready been. I believe more for myself than that....does that even make any sense??So this is the verse that I stand on today:
"I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked." 1 Samuel 1:27
I believe for myself and my family that this too shall pass; this season of longing. When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? They seem like eternity now but will they forever? Probably not. So in that I believe and I stay strong.And there will still be the days that I will rifle through those baby clothes just because the want is so overwhelming. But "that too shall pass".
I love the statement I made "When I have that little bundle of absolute goodness in my arms will I even remember these long 8 months? "
And the answer is NO, Veronica you won't!! And I don't. It's a great story to tell - the struggles of how we FINALLY after 9 months got pregnant! And it's an AWESOME tribute to God's goodness and faithfulness. But do I still mourn??? Oh, honey NO!! I could not be happier and more fulfilled in my life at this moment. I know that's a big statement to make. But I truely feel that way.
98 days. It's so crazy to think that is all I have left. And the wonderful part is I feel GREAT! Sure I have the backache and stuff but over all I feel wonderful. I've been so stressed out about my weight gain up 'til now but I have decided to let it go. We aren't all going to be itty bitty. And I just need to except that. My and Paisley's health are not in jeopardy. And that is the most important part. I will work my hardest to get it all off after I have her. But I'm not going to ruin this wonderful time in my life over a few extra pounds.
So I will continue on this miraculous journey for the next 3 months and 8 days and continue to enjoy myself completely!
Be blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 7:21 AM 1 comments