Because I made this my pregnancy blog 9 very very short months ago, and have now given birth to the most beautiful little girl in the world, this will be my last and final blog entry on this blog.
On October 10th, 2008, at exactly 1:30am Jesus blessed us with Paisley Jaymes Smith. It was after 25 and 1/2 hours of labor and a C-Section, that she made her debut but it was all completely worth it.
She weighed 7lbs. 14oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Derek and I could not be more proud of our little beanie girl.
So, with all that said, I will leave you with this...
Having a child and now truly understanding the love a parent has for their child it makes my heart swell at the thought of our Heavenly Father's love for us. The question that keeps passing through my mind is - 'If I love her this much how much more does Jesus love me?' It's humbling.
From now on I will be blogging on my old blog -
and on Paisley's new blog -
Thank you for all your prayers and love through this whole pregnancy. And please go to Paisley's blog and check in for pictures and updates on our sweet girl....because what do they say???...It takes a village...
Be blessed!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Last and Final Entry...
Posted by Veronica at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Can you say INDUCTION?!?!?!?
I'm being induced tonight!!! I will be holding my baby tomorrow!! YAY!! I'm about to burst!!! Pray for me and Paisley and Daddy too! And pray that the epidural WORKS!!! HEHE!!
Next time I see you all I will have Paisley Jaymes Smith in my arms!!!
Mommy loves you so much! I can't wait to see your beautiful face and kiss your sweet cheeks. It seems like I've been waiting forever for this moment and now it is here and I don't even know how to act. All I can say is that you are a very blessed little girl and truly at miracle for our Lord Jesus Christ! Forgive me for the mistakes I will make and love me even when I'm not so lovely. You're Daddy is driving back in from out of town today to make sure he is here when you arrive. He is so excited to meet you! He keeps referring to you and I as "His Girls" and I love that. You have our hearts already and we haven't even seen you. Please always remember that no matter how much Mommy and Daddy love you Jesus loved you first. And will always love you the most. He is your Heavenly Father - we just get to love you and take care of you for a little while. And we will try our very hardest to do the very best job of that possible.
Until we meet, My Love, know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.
Posted by Veronica at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Quick update
I had an appt on Tues. and I was dilated 1cm and still 50% effaced. A little progress I suppose. But we did get some GREAT news!! The pressure in Paiz's cord in down and everything looks good. But she still wants me on bed rest. AND..........Drum roll please.....
I am scheduled to be induced October 14th!!!...(if Paisley doesn't come before than!!) YAY!!!
That's about it. My next and HOPEFULLY last appointment is this Monday at 11:00. YAY!!!
Posted by Veronica at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Still here....still preggo.
Sorry for not posting in a while. I'm big. I'm tired. And frankly, blogging takes way too much energy.
So, I'm going to keep it brief.
I went in for my 36 week appointment and Dr. Duke saw some pressure in Paisley's cord with elevated fluid levels. So I got put on a monitor for an hour. After 20 minutes she came in and said that she wasn't seeing what she was looking for and she would come back and check in a bit and if nothing had changed she would send me to labor and delivery. She came back and said she did see what she wanted to see but wants me to be on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.
I only gained a pound. My blood pressure is good. I'm VERY swollen - everywhere. I'm in pain. I'm whiney. I'm miserable. I want this baby out!!
Paisley weighs a little over 7 pounds. Little chunk. :) While I have been home on bed rest this week I have worked quite a bit on her nursery. And I must say it looks BEAUTIFUL!! It's coming together better than I could have imagined. I'll post some pictures soon.
So I guess that's all for now......oh I was a "finger tip" dilated and 50% effaced. Whatever that means!!! :)..........I'll tell you what it doesn't mean........................NO BABY YET!!!
My next appointment is Tuesday. Until blessed!
Posted by Veronica at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our Growing Girl
Well, here I am 35 weeks pregnant...and I have officially hit the point of yelling "TAKE THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!" I am just so uncomfortable. I don't have a very long mid section so Paisley is taking up every bit of the room I do have.
Here are some current stats on Paisley:
She weighs 6lbs 7oz. (Don't judge....big girls need love too!! haha)
Her heart rate was 144
She is strong and happy and healthy.
I am measuring 37 weeks.
I gained 4 more pounds. Totaling......a lot!!
I am still swollen but my blood pressure is good and there is no protein in my urine.
Dr. Duke says that I am now to the point if I go into labor she wouldn't stop it. YAY!!
I guess that's about it.
5 weeks left and very very ready to be done!!
Posted by Veronica at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm alive...really I am!!
To my faithfull "pregnancy blog followers": I know it has been a long while since I have given an update. And for that I'm sorry. I guess I'm slackin'!!
At this point I am 33 weeks 3 days along.....HOLY SMOKES!!! Less than 7 weeks left! I am so excited I could just bust!! Just really quick I'm going to make a list of all the things I'm super excited about:
My shower (not in a selfish way but just being able to celebrate Paisley!!)
The hospital stay (and all my family and friends coming to see us and my new sweetness)
Seeing my little munchkin's sweet face, and toes, and fingers, and nose, and bootie.
Finding out how much hair everyone is saying Paiz actually has!! I am now hoping for enough to put a clip in!!
Getting her nursery completely put together and finished.
Taking all the tags off all of the beautiful clothes I have already bought for Paiz.
Putting all of her clothes in her drawers.
Getting into my old jeans!!!!
Nursing my sweet beany girl.
Seeing how much weight I actually lose after I have her.
Being able to stay home and not have to go to a job everyday. (I know mothering is a job...)
Hearing her gurgles and burps and coos.
Walking with my mommy friends at the PJC track pushing our strollers!!! haha :)
There are soooooo many more but it would take me all day!
Here is another silly list. This list is things that I will barely admit to and sound soooooo silly:
Pushing Paisley's stroller around the house just for fun.
Daily going and looking in Paisley's closet at all her cute little clothes.
Sitting on the floor in her room just sitting there looking at the paint on the walls, the bedding on the floor, and the hamper in it's place, imagining what motherhood will be like.
Taking my favorite pair of Paisley's jammies and laying them in my arms pretending like I was holding my baby. (don't cry it's not as sad as it sounds!! haha)
Putting her car seat in the car to see how it fits.
Singing "You are my Sunshine" to her HOURLY!
Playing our "Push and Kick" game with her in my belly.
I'm a fruit cake....I know. So off of lists and on to some updates.
First of all I went to Dr. Duke's office on Tuesday and everything went well. I only gained 2 pounds. Blood pressure was good. I am still measuring 2 cm (weeks) bigger than I actually am. Paisley's heart rate was 132. And I "have" to get an ultrasound every week at each of my appointments now....bummer ;) haha And the ultrasound tech said she is approximately 5 1/2 pounds. And she has "some" hair. Whatever that means. =) Everything looked good on the ultrasound. I am having and have had for awhile heartburn and indigestion. My pelvic bones are shifting (according to Dr. Duke) and I found out the pain in my left hip and lower back is my siatic nerve acting up. I am still very swollen and retaining water. I'm having trouble rolling over in the bed at night. I know that sounds funny but it's so true. It is actually painful between Paisley getting so big and all my aches and pains.
I suppose that is all for now. Hope you enjoy. Be blessed.
Posted by Veronica at 7:16 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
JESUS for President '08
I'm going to be the first one to say....
"I don't know nothin' 'bout no politics." But this much I do know...
I hate all the presidential canadits. I think they are all liars. And I'm sick and tired off seeing a bunch of crap on TV about what they promise to do if/when they are elected when in reality they aren't held accountable to follow through with any of it! I vote with morals and values and I feel like not one of the canadits stand for anything I find morally upright.
So in saying that, I want to say...
I vote JESUS for President in 2008!!!
He is our provider. Our comforter. Our protector. He is on OUR side. He doesn't hold a title of democrat or republican because He finds labels foolish. He doesn't promise things just to get a vote. He doesn't put other canadits down just to lift Himself up. You'll never see Him in a commercial or in the papers because the cross on Calvary is advertisement enough. He stands for all that is moral and good. He has nothing to prove because He did it all by saving the world. He puts everyone to shame merly by being Himself -because He is GOD. He has written only one book. This one book has been made unable to be on the best seller's list because it sells such high quantities. This one book is freely provided at hotels, doctor's offices and hospitals. This one book provides all the knowledge anyone will need in their lives. This one book is a topic of controversy for some but the source of wholeness for so many. Jesus came to save us and to give us the gift of everlasting life. What has any of the presidential canadits ever done for us? He doesn't ask for money or financing all He asks is for our faithfulness in Him. And for all He does for us it's a small price to pay. He is the man for the job. So in 2008 let's start a revolution and choose OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
I know He can't actually be the President of the United States of America but you know what??? He can most definitely be the President of my life. And for all that He has done in my life I choose HIM!
(I know this has nothing to do with my pregnancy........I just felt compelled this morning!! :)
Posted by Veronica at 7:57 AM 33 comments